What is Clinical Nutrition?

Clinical nutrition focuses on the application of nutrition principles to optimise health, and to prevent or manage diseases and health conditions. Clinical nutrition utilises an evidence-based, holistic and personalised approach to treat the whole body, therefore it is not a one size fits all approach. Clinical nutritionists dig deep into your health history to figure out what is going on for you so that they can help you to work on the root cause of any conditions you may be experiencing.

Clinical Nutritionists work alongside people to help them live their healthiest lives.

Clinical nutritionists use their extensive knowledge of the human body (anatomy and physiology) and combined with detailed case taking, uncover root causes of any conditions you may be experiencing. They understand that organs and body parts do not work in isolation, and that the body systems are interconnected, meaning that an issue in one body system may be causing symptoms to appear in another.

Clinical nutritionists also conduct a range of physical examinations to help identify what is going on in your body. They are able to order and review functional and pathology test results to inform the development of a personalised treatment plan.

After a detailed health history assessment, clinical nutritionists develop personalised treatment plans that are scaffolded over time, and may include dietary modifications, lifestyle modifications and practitioner-only supplements.

Bowl of healthy fruit and vegetables to add nutrition to diet

How can I support you to optimise your health?

I have supported people with a range of conditions and health needs, including anaemia, eczema, anxiety, stress, ADHD, fertility, PCOS, gestational diabetes, insulin resistance, joint pain, perimenopause, overweight & obesity, constipation, dysbiosis, inflammation, sleep disorders… the list goes on!

Utilising evidence-based science, I take a holistic approach, and will tailor a personalised treatment plan for you to help you feel your best. This may include dietary and lifestyle modifications, as well as high quality practitioner-only supplements where clinically indicated.

Whether you have a specific condition, or are just keen to optimise your health and wellbeing, I can support you to reach your health goals.

You can book in to see me in-person (Uprise Health, Richmond, Melbourne) or via Telehealth (Australia wide).

What are you waiting for? Click on the booking link below to take charge of your health now!